red-necked phalerope
Two year old Puffin
felonius skua trying to pass as a manx shearwater shows itself by flushing early, pirates are quick to assume that those approaching are up to no good.
what tern chasing jaegar?
yup common tern pursuing young felonius skua
and why?
another jaegar
intermediate adult parasitic jaegar
ok hear is where it became dreamlike, I get 7 jaegars and one gull in this shot, a tern is in there somewhere as well.
I think there are 9 or 10 jaegars in this one, all apparently attracted to the same tern?
i believe that there were 10 individuals in my binocs at once, eclipsing the old mark by several.
Anyway lots of jaegars working on the tern traffic, loaded with fish. Isle au haut beyond
only six hear western mountain MDI in the distance.
7 or eight here.
I get 7 in this one and a tern. that looks to me like catapiller mountain in Sedgewick, beyond.
though laughing gulls carry their loads in the gullet still the pirates know they have a load to be taken
Parasitic jaegar terrorizing a laughing gull.
looks as if the jaegar is lugging off the laughing gull but it was just a close pass.
intermediate adult parasitic jaegar, aka felonius skua
Razorbill and chick. again this year they were a conspicuous presence in the bay as i have not seen before and it was for weeks.
the yellow rock eagles
eagles on Yellow rock, Roberts island beyond.
I believe that the bird on the left is last years great cormorant, that is the first full summer for this bird, also herring gull and three double-crested cormorant.
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