Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 10, Dogfish Island to.. Little Hurricane, Little Roberts, Little Brimstone, Great Cormorants, Harlequin Ducks, Oldsquaw,

I got out for a ride March 10 with Kirk Gentalen, from the ferry channel by Green Island to Brimstone, by way of Little Hurricane and Channel Rock, Otter Island as well,  and Lanes Nubble,
calm and warming to 40 so so nice.
even the buoys were feeling cheerful,

Mounts Battie and Magunticuk, the monument

Green Island, Black-backs on territory.

Drifts on Bald Island,

les canard Kakawi,
they must be thinking of tundra ponds and how to get there.
oldsquaw, grout bank on Hurricane beyond
 Heron Neck and Isle au Haut
Great Cormorants,  Heron Neck beyond
Heron Neck light,  Great Cormorants, setting on what looks like granite from Palmer Island,
they call it Palmer granite
Ilse au Haut, Lanes Nubble, Brimstone, Roberts, Otter, Little Roberts
oldsquaw infront of Little Roberts, Roberts and Otter behind
Oldsquaw, in front of Hay Island and Isle au Haut
Lanes Nubble
Otter Island
The end of Little Roberts and Otter Island
 Great Cormorant Early Spring breeding plumage is splendid, these photos do not compare to a good look in good light,  "a vision of heavenly beauty"
this is an stunning and intelligent species.
We saw about 12 total during out 3 hour tour,  no sub adults
Unfortunately the population is down to @50 pairs in '014, and has been declining since '92
the white nape feathers don't last long
Harlequins, at Otter Island,
there were lots of Harlequins out there

 sea mice,
Raven tree Otter Island, a few Harlequin on the shoreline
Cormorant roost on Otter Island
cryptic in the backwash

Great Cormorant, Saddleback  Duck Harbor mountain Isle au Haut
 Isle au Haut, Saddleback ledge, Great Cormorant on Holden ledge
Great Cormorant,
Tumbolo beach

our most dependable alcid the incredible Black Guillemot
A more stalwart alcid this region lacks
Robert's Island
Horned Grebe
A whistler in Sands cove

get a team together and give me a call these ducks will be around a while longer and seeing the spring plumage Great Cormorant is worth the trip

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