Saturday, January 17, 2015

Dec. 16 Seal Island, Grey Seals, and Purple Sandpipers mostly

I took Chris down to Seal Island to set up the camera there that watches the seal pupping.
the pupping season had just begun there were some pups and a few females more males scattered around staking claims on areas.

Purple Sandpipers,
 a flock flew in near the landing, they are quite tame

 Horse head
 They have left their mote tower up despite the lack of receiver, there were 10 eagles on this end of Seal Island when we got there
 My understanding is that gyed towers can be a hazard to birds, seems as thought the Fish and Wildlife Service could lean the tower down during the 8 months there is no receiver on it, as this is a place rare birds congregate, kind of a eyesore as well.
Big bull waiting, not in vain
 There is the camera getting some attention


 Purple Sandpipers
We also saw, 50 seals ashore, 10 or so new pups,  10 eagles, 150 purple sandpiper,  3 snow bunting, one song sparrow, 3 harlequin  at seal 8 at Otter, 4 gannet 6 kittiwake one iceland gull, red necked grebe, 15 Razorbill,  guillemots, loons and oldsquaws, mergansers and black ducks,

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