Albums:Seals etc, corms, alcids, gulls, seal island, ducks, skua
Adult and young Great Cormorant,Young Laughing gull, small head long wings, jaegar like.
Puffin at Seal Island
Imm. Yellow-crowned night heron at Seal Island
Great Cormorants
2nd Imm Yellow-Crowned night heron, Seal Island
Gannet on the western head
Picked up this dwarf fledgling puffin, too light to dive, a few years back a similar bird was fed and grew after such stunting. we gave it to Stacey to take care of, I think she sent it off the the mainland.
I would have left it for the black-backs but those with me convinced me to get involved.
we saw a Harlequin at Little Brimstone
Eagle over cormorants on the shore
young eagle above young great Cormorants on Little Roberts
Bald Eagle and Yong double-cresed cormorant,
abandoned cormorant nests behind the eagle
A second young eagle appears on the horizon
two bald eagle immature, one adult great Cormorant flying and 20 young double-crested cormornat
young eagle flushed behind Dc comorant